by Mary Stark Hood, JD, CFP This third article in a series on real estate...
Real Estate Gifting Realized: Outright Donations and Bequests   by Mary Stark Hood, JD, CFP...
What Are the Options? by Mary Stark Hood, JD, CFP This is the first in...
If the old maxim neither a borrower nor a lender be was taken seriously, there’d...
ReisReports determines the market cap rate by evaluating the financial data of similar properties which...
Let’s just say you are already over worked, understaffed and touching the limits of a...
A tenant notified me yesterday that his water heater stopped working. I was able to...
Value. It’s a tough concept to define. It’s even tougher when “Rent-To-Value” is ranked the...
Ancillary income can significantly increase your bottom line, but additional fees are not always an...
Smoke pouring from broken windows. Fire trucks in the parking lot. It’s frightening to experience...