Houston Property Directory Requirement – January 1, 2011, Houston properties will be required to have...
You Must Watch Dr. Ted Jones in this short video. He previously was with the...
by Mary Stark Hood, JD, CFP This third article in a series on real estate...
What Are the Options? by Mary Stark Hood, JD, CFP This is the first in...
Once a unit is vacated, the clock starts ticking. On a portfolio-wide scale, units...
Pest management is part of property management. There are a number of insects and small...
Minimize Risk with Advance Planning THE PARTNERSHIP DILEMMA: A partnership owns real property that it...
In “Fight of the Century”, Keynes and Hayek weigh in on these central questions. Do...
Greetings readers, and welcome back to Cost Cutting in 2011. Today I will focus on...
… It’s as easy as 1-2-3! 1. Find out what the seller (listing agent)...